How do I update the phone number on my CGTC Single Sign-On account?


Below are instructions for how to change your existing phone number or add a new phone number to your account.

Please Note: If you no longer have access to the phone number currently on your account and you do not have any additional verification methods set up, you will not be able to follow this process. Please call the Communications Center for assistance: 478-988-6800.

  1. Visit
  1. If you are not already signed in to your account, sign in with your CGTC email address and password.
  1. Select Your Name in the top, right corner of the screen. Then, select Settings.


  1. Select Edit Profile. You will be prompted to sign in and provide security verification again.
  1. Scroll down to Security Methods. Select Set Up Another next to Phone.


  1. You will be prompted to enter your password and verify your account.
  1. Select Set up under Phone.


  1. Choose (A) SMS to receive text messages or (B) Voice call to receive a phone call. Enter your phone number and click the blue button.


  1. Be sure to remove any phone numbers that you no longer have access to.
  • Last Updated May 01, 2023
  • Views 315
  • Answered By Abbie Gettys

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