What is Blackboard? How do I log in to Blackboard?


Blackboard is used to access your online, hybrid, or web-enhanced class, including the syllabus, class schedule, assignments, resources, class messages, and grades. (Please note: You will not see your classes in Blackboard until the first day of the semester/mini-mester.)

To log in to Blackboard:

  1. Visit sso.centralgatech.edu and log in with your CGTC email address and password.
  2. Select Blackboard under My Apps.

If you have any questions about student technology and electronic resources, you can find more information on our website here: http://www.centralgatech.edu/student-services/studenttech/

  • Last Updated Aug 09, 2022
  • Views 248
  • Answered By Teri Garnto

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