Where can I save files to be able to access them off campus?


You can save or upload files to your OneDrive account and access them from any computer.

Off-Campus Access:

  1. To access your OneDrive account while off-campus, log in to your CGTC email: https://outlook.office.com.
  1. Select the App Launcher from the top, left corner.

The CGTC student email interface. An arrow is pointing to the App launcher button.

  1. Select OneDrive from the Apps menu.

The Apps menu in Outlook. OneDrive is circled.


On-Campus Access from a CGTC computer:

There are a few ways to access your OneDrive from a CGTC computer. (Please note: If this is your first time accessing your OneDrive account, there may be a delay while your OneDrive is set up.)

  1. From the Start menu, select OneDrive.

The Start menu. An arrow is pointing to the Start menu icon. OneDrive is circled.


  1. Select the OneDrive cloud icon from the taskbar. Then, select Open folder.

The OneDrive viewer. An arrow is pointing to the OneDrive cloud icon. "Open folder" is circled.


  1. Open the File Explorer. On the side navigation, select Desktop, followed by Your Name, then OneDrive - Central Georgia Technical College. (If you wish, you can right-click and select Pin to Quick access to add it to the Quick access menu.)

The Windows File explorer. An arrow is pointing to the File Explorer icon and "OneDrive - Central Georgia Technical College" is circled.


  1. If saving a document from a Microsoft Office program:
    1. Select Save-->Save As.
    2. Then, select OneDrive - Central Georgia Technical College followed by your CGTC email address.
    3. Choose the folder you would like to save the file in and select Save.


  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2022
  • Views 101
  • Answered By Abbie Gettys

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