How do I invite students to a Webex meeting?


The best way to invite students to a Webex meeting is to email them an invitation. The following method allows students to add a meeting to their Outlook calendar without the invitation disappearing from their inbox.

  1. Set up your Webex account to automatically send you a copy of the meeting invitation.
    • From your Webex homepage, select Preferences.
    • Then, select Scheduling.
    • Ensure that the checkbox next to "Send a copy of the email invitation to me" is selected.
  2. Schedule your meeting. (Do not invite students from the Schedule a Meeting page.)
  3. After you schedule a meeting, you will receive an email from Webex that includes the subject (Forward to others) Webex meeting invitation.
  4. Remove (Forward to Others) from the subject. Then, forward the email to your students.


If you have already scheduled your meeting and you did not receive a (Forward to Others) email:

  1. From your Webex homepage, select Meetings.
  2. Select the meeting you wish to invite students to.
  3. Select the Copy icon.


  1. Create a new email and paste the meeting information you copied into the email.
  2. Send the email invitation to your students.
  • Last Updated Jan 15, 2021
  • Views 147
  • Answered By Abbie Gettys

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