How do I edit the captions of a Webex recording?


Before you record your meeting, make sure that Recording Transcripts is enabled.

  1. Select Preferences. Then, Recording. Then, make sure the box is checked for Create recording transcripts of all my MP4 recordings. You should only have to do this once.

Recording Preferences menu.


After you have recorded your meeting:

  1. From your list of Recordings, select the recording you would like to edit.

Recording menu. An arrow is pointing to recordings. Another arrow is pointing to the meeting that needs to be edited.


  1. The transcript of the recording will be on the right side of the screen. Hover over the portion of the transcript you wish to edit. Then, select the Edit icon.

Transcript dialog box. An arrow is pointing to the edit icon.


  1. Edit the transcript. Then, select Save. The captions will be updated to reflect your changes.

Transcript edit box. An arrow is pointing to Save.


  • Last Updated Jan 15, 2021
  • Views 164
  • Answered By Abbie Gettys

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