How do I check out materials from the library?
Current CGTC students can check out materials from any campus library with their CGTC student ID card or by providing their student ID number.
Adult Learning Center students may check out items with a CGTC library card. To obtain a library card, current students must fill out an Adult Education Library Card Application and have it signed by their instructor. The application form can be obtained at any campus library or Adult Learning Center.
Students from colleges with which the library has a Cooperative Agreement can also check out books with a CGTC library card. To obtain a library card, students must present proper current identification from their college with an indication that they are presently enrolled in that college. They must also complete a Community User Library Card Application that is available at any campus library.
CGTC faculty and staff can check out materials by presenting their CGTC ID or name, which will be looked up to confirm employment status.
Please note: Books and materials in our reference collection do not circulate outside the library.