How to Email Your Professor About Extensions, Late Work, & Asking for Clarification
Sometimes life happens and you miss a deadline, or you read an assignment's instructions, and you don't understand them; what to do? Well, it never hurts to send an email to your professor, and you want to make sure it's appropriate and well-written.
If you know that you are going to be busy on or before the due date, then it is always better to ask for extra time before your paper is due and explain clearly why you need it. This doesn't guarantee that your professor will grant it, but it does show initiative on your part. This email would start like all polite emails should, with a proper greeting:
Dear Professor (Last name),
This is (Your name) from (your class). I am (explain your situation clearly here) and I don't think I will be able to finish (assignment name) on time. May I have (only ask for between 1-3 days, it needs to be reasonable, though if the situation is major such as a death in the family or serious illness, be sure to make this clear so that longer times can be considered if need be.) to finish my assignment? If not, I understand. Please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you,
(Your name)
- If you didn't ask for an extension and you have missed the deadline, then you can still send an email, apologizing for the lateness and asking for the Dropbox to be reopened so you can submit. Again, there is no guarantee that your professor will allow you to submit it late, but it never hurts to ask. You would do so in much the same way as asking for an extension:
Dear Professor (Last name),
This is (Your name) from (your class). I am sorry for missing the deadline for (assignment name). I was (explain your situation clearly here) and I wasn't able to finish on time. May I email you my assignment or can the Dropbox be reopened? If not, I understand. Please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you,
(Your name)
Finally, if you are confused about an aspect of the assignment, it never hurts to ask your professor for clarification. As always, politeness and clarity are king:
Dear Professor (Last name),
This is (Your name) from (your class). I am confused about (clearly explain what you don't understand about the assignment). I Please let me know the correct answer as soon as possible so I can complete the assignment to the best of my ability.
Thank you,
(Your name)