What methods can I use to brainstorm?



Brainstorming is a foundational step in the writing process that can make or break an essay. It helps you generate ideas, explore topics from different angles, and develop a well thought structure for your essays. So next time you sit down to start a paper, here are five strategies you can use for your next brainstorming session. 



1) Reading 

If you have a basic idea of what you’re going to write about, I highly recommend reading about it. Reading about your topic will help you determine what you find interesting, and help you narrow down your topic. Just remember to read from reputable sources, and ALWAYS cite ideas you use from other authors.


2) Discussions 

Discussions are a great source for idea generation as well. Since everyone has a unique perspective, discussing your topic and ideas will lead to new revelations that can point you in the direction you want your essay to go. While discussions are a great way to generate ideas, remember to ALWAYS fact check a person’s claims. 


3) Mind Mapping 

If you are a visual learner, mind mapping is a great method to use. If done properly, it can help you break down your topic and even structure your essay! Mind mapping is also a creative outlet. You can use different colors, draw pictures, and other artistic expressions that help your thought process. For further reference, here is a video link on how to mind map. https://youtu.be/u5Y4pIsXTV0


4) Freewriting 

Freewriting is a good place to start if you have no idea what to write about. All you need is a pen, paper, a highlighter, and a timer. Set your timer for an amount of time you are comfortable with, and then just start writing. Don’t worry about grammar– just write whatever comes to your mind. After your timer goes off, read through your writing with a highlighter. Highlight any repetitive ideas, or anything else you find interesting. In the end, you will come out with some great thoughts towards your topic!


5) Cubing

Cubing is a fantastic method to use for more complicated, creative essays. It’s also a great method if your professor requires a high word count! Just like a cube, you are going to explore your topic through six different sides.

a) Describe your topic. 

 You can supplement this description with your reading and  with what you already know about the topic. 

b) Compare your topic.

This step is about comparing and contrasting your topic to other ideas. What is this topic similar to? What is the opposite of this topic?

c) Associate your topic. 

This step is about making connections. How is your topic related to what you know? How is it related to other topics outside of your class? How is it related to other topics in your class?

d) Analyze your topic. 

This step is about identifying the key components of your topic. What are the foundational theories behind your topic? Can you break your topic down into smaller topics? 

e) Apply your topic.

This step is about understanding how your topic is practically applied in the real world. How do people use the ideas in your topic? How do businesses and other organizations use your topic? How do YOU use your topic?

f) Argue for or against your topic.

This step involves taking a stance on your topic and making your case. You can start by making a pros and cons list to understand how you feel about the topic, and then make your argument. 



When you brainstorm, be sure to use the strategy that works best for you and your essay. These methods will help you express your unique perspective in your writing, and create a truly unique, well thought paper. So if you want to impress your instructor or write a great paper, remember to brainstorm!


  • Last Updated Jan 21, 2025
  • Views 4
  • Answered By John Sheridan

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