What are the two types of cell division?


The two types of cell division are mitosis and meiosis.  Mitosis is responsible for making new somatic cells (every body cell except sex cells).  Meiosis is the type of cell division that creates sex cells (egg and sperm cells).  Cell division is a fundamental process for life.  

Mitosis                                                                Meiosis

Involves one cell division:  PMAT                        Involves two successive cell divisions:  PMAT and PII, MII, AII, and TII

Results in two daughter cells                               Results in four daughter cells

Results in diploid daughter cells (chromosome   Results in haploid daughter cells (chromosome is halved from the                                             

remains the same as the parent cell                   parent cell)

Daughter cells are genetically identical               Daughter cells are genetically different

Occurs in all organisms except viruses               Occurs only in animals, plants, and fungi

Create all body cells (somatic cells)                    Create sex cells (egg and sperm only)                                                    

No recombination or crossing over occurs          Involves recombination/ crossing over in prophase I

In metaphase pairs of chromatids line up at        In metaphase I pairs of chromosomes line up at the equator

the equator

During anaphase sister chromatids are                During anaphase I chromosomes are drawn to the same poles   

 separated to opposite poles                                 During anaphase II sister chromatids are separated to opposite poles

  • Last Updated Jan 15, 2025
  • Views 7
  • Answered By Tamiko Kemp

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