How do I write a strong conclusion?




A conclusion, for most papers is where you can reiterate your main point or argument from the paper and remind readers what you have discussed. However, you'll want to avoid a simple restatement of your thesis and supporting reasons. Restating is important, but if that's all you do, then the conclusion will be boring and put readers to sleep. 


Instead, you'll want to write a conclusion that restates the thesis and supporting details in different words than the introduction. Next, think about the so what? of the essay. Why is this essay important? Why should your reader continue to think about the ideas in this essay after they finish reading? Lastly, a good conclusion will think about what's next. This could be the writer thinking about other implications that weren't covered in this essay or a different angle from which the thesis could be viewed. 


For example, in an essay that argues that teachers should make more money, a good conclusion should first restate that the writer thinks teachers should make more money, but in different terms from the introduction: "Well paid teachers will lead to a stronger education system" becomes "Teachers who are financially satisfied will be better teachers and will create better educational outcomes."

Next, the writer will remind the reader of the supporting details, again, in different terms than in the introduction: "An increase in money funneled to educators will reduce teacher stress, increase feelings of fulfillment, and ensure teachers remain in their jobs for the long term" becomes "Well paid educators will be less stressed and better able to provide a worthwhile experience that fulfills not only students but teachers as well. Also, teachers will be less likely to seek alternate employment, reducing turnover and keeping good teachers in the schools."

Next, so what?: "This is important because education is falling short in this country and happy, fulfilled teachers who don't abandon the profession will help to create a classroom and school culture where education can thrive."

Lastly, what now?: The writer could then discuss ways that readers could petition their local governments for an increase in teacher pay. Or, the writer could imagine what a world with better paid teachers would look like. Or, they could discuss how better teachers would help the country as a whole. 

To sum up, these are the three parts important for a conclusion: restating the thesis and supporting reasons in different words than in the introduction, answering the so what? question, and answering the what now? question. 

Avoid exploring new evidence here. Instead, only mention aspects not covered in the essay and think about future/broader implications. 

Note: Conclusions may be discipline specific and even class specific. For example, some scientific research essays will require you to suggest the weaknesses of your argument or approach in the conclusion. Always follow your instructor's directions.

Here are a few more resources for how to make a strong conclusion:

The Writing Center UNC--Conclusions:

Harvard College Writing Center--Conclusions:

OWL Purdue--Conclusions:

Indiana Tutorial Services--Writing Conclusions:

Scribbr Video--How to Write a Strong Essay Conclusion:

  • Last Updated May 15, 2024
  • Views 167
  • Answered By Timothy Connors

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