Name the aspect of the respiratory system described.
1. The diaphragm is made of ____________, and ____________ for inhalation.
2. Oxygen is carried in the blood by the _________ of the ________ in the __________.
3. Parasympathetic impulses to the bronchioles cause them to _________________.
4. Irritants in the upper respiratory tract are removed by _______________________.
5. A pulmonary disease such as pneumonia will ________________________.
a. Increase physiological dead space
b. decrease pulmonary compliance
c. Both of these
d. Both of these, and will also decrease gas exchange
6. Which statement is NOT true of nervous regulation of respiration?
a. The diaphragm receives nerve impulses from the medulla.
b. The external intercoastal muscles receive impulses from the pons.
c. Breathing is a reflex, but the cerebral cortex can change the rate.
d. The hypothalamus influences breathing during emotional situations.
7. Which statement is NOT true of pullmonary volumes?
a. An increase in physiological dead space decresases vital capacity.
b. The lungs cannot be emptied completely, they always contain residual air.
c. Inspiratory reserve is a maximal inhalation minus tidal volume.
d. Tidal volume averages 1 to 2 liters, depending on a person's age and height.
8. Which statement is NOT true of respiration and acid-base balance?
a. As exhalations increase, the pH of the blood increases.
b. A metabolic acidosis will stimulate an increase in the rate of respiration.
c. The respiratory system regulates the amount of CO2 in body fluids.
d. Respiratory alkalosis is uncommon, but may be caused by holding one's breath.
1. Skeletal muscle / contracts
2. Iron / hemoglobin / RBCs
3. Constrict
4. Cough and sneeze reflexes
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. D