What are the twelve cranial nerves and functions?
CN I Olfactory --> provides a sense of smell to the nose
CN II Optic --> gives vision to the eyes
CN III Oculomotor --> extraocular eye movement (moves eye medially), constricts the pupil, and lens accommodation
CN IV Trochlear --> extraocular eye movement; moves the eye upward and out
CN V Trigeminal --> V1 sensory to ophthalmic region of the face; V2 sensory to the maxillary region of face; V3 motor to the mandible/mastication
CN VI Abducens --> extraocular eye movement; moves eye laterally
CN VII Facial --> motor to muscles of face; gives face facial expression; taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue; salivation and lacrimation (tearing)
CN VIII Vestibulocochlear --> provides hearing to the ear and balance
CN IX Glossopharyngeal --> functions to swallow and parasympathetic to parotid salivary glands; taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue
CN X Vagus --> Parasympathetic fibers to heart, lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, small intestine, and colon; motor to swallowing, speech, and coughing
CN XI Accessory --> motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius; allow you to shrug shoulders and turn head/neck
CN XII Hypoglossal --> motor to the tongue; chewing, speech, swallowing, or mastication