What are the coronary arteries and their branches?

The heart is mostly supplied by the two coronary arteries which arise from the ascending aorta immediately above the aortic valve.  After arising from the ascending aorta, the right coronary artery runs forward to the borders of the inferior borders of the heart.  One branch runs along the sterno-coastal surface to reach the apex as the marginal artery.  The other one turns posteriorly and runs up the posterior interventricular groove as the posterior interventricular artery.  

The left coronary artery arises from the left posterior aortic sinuses of the ascending aorta immediately above the aortic valve.  The left coronary artery runs forward and to the left and divides into an anterior interventricular artery also known as the left anterior descending artery.  The circumflex artery winds around the left margin of the heart and continues in the left posterior coronary sulcus up to the posterior interventricular groove where it terminates.  


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  • Last Updated Oct 25, 2023
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Tamiko Kemp

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