What is a coordinating conjunction?


A conjunction is a part of speech, or word, used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.

There are two kinds of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions. This FAQ will explain coordinating conjunctions.


There are seven coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. A quick way to remember these seven coordinating conjunctions is to think of FANBOYS: (f)or, (a)nd, (n)or, (b)ut, (o)r, (y)et, (s)o.


Coordinating conjunctions can join words together. Example: I saw both him and Kris at the park.

Coordinating conjunctions can join phrases together: You can go swimming, sit in the shade, or relax inside. (In a list, always use commas after each item in the list before the conjunction.)

Coordinating conjunctions can join clauses together: I sat my phone down on the desk, but I can't find it now. (Always use a comma before the conjunction when joining clauses together. Joining two clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunction creates a compound sentence.)


Coordinating conjunctions can also join two separate sentences together to create smoother, more naturally flowing language.

For example, here are two sentences separated by a period:

He said he'd be on time. He is five minutes late.

These can be combined with a conjunction. 

Example: He said he'd be on time, yet he is five minutes late.

Keep in mind that each coordinating conjunction has a specific purpose, as well.

for (explanation; cause/effect) -- I have to go to the store, for I am out of chips.

and (showing similarity) -- I own two dogs and three rabbits.

nor (the negative form of "or") -- I have neither the money nor the time for such an extravagant weekend.

but (to contrast or qualify) -- She went to the party but only because her friend had asked her to join.

or (to show a choice or option) -- I can't decide if I want pizza or chicken tenders for lunch.

yet (similar to "but"; acknowledges the unexpected/ironic) -- You saved money to get a new car, yet you spent it on clothes.

so (similar to "for"; cause/effect) -- I am out of chips, so I have to go to the store.


If you need further help with understanding coordinating conjunctions, please watch the video in the link provided.

  • Last Updated Jun 07, 2023
  • Views 3582
  • Answered By Jonna

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